XenCustomize - Profile Audio Player

XenCustomize - Profile Audio Player 2.1.3

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Profile Audio Player v2.1.3 Released
We're delighted to announce the latest release of the Profile Audio Player add-on - version 2.1.3, available now as of December 13, 2023!

📜 Changelog
  • Bug Squashed! 🐞 Addressed an issue with the shared content title on social media, thanks to the sharp eyes of @oO5 Dynasty (View detailed post).
  • Sleeker Look! ✨ Minor styling improvements for both the full player (on profile) and the mini player (on audio tracks).
  • Clearer Phrasing! 🗣️ We've updated a few phrases from "Profile Audios" to "Audio Tracks" for better clarity and consistency.
  • Customer Support Forum! 🤝 We've added the newly launched customer support forum link to addon.json metadata. Now, accessing support is just a click away!

📝Upgrade Notes
  • When upgrading from v1, please ensure that you're upgrading from v1.0.3.
  • Also make sure that you CHECK the "Overwrite existing files for add-on rebuilds / upgrades" option. If uploading file using an FTP or file manager, you have to overwrite all files.
  • If you have made modifications to the templates, be sure to make a backup of those changes, and then revert those templates.
In this release, Version 2.1.2 has been updated to correct the install script, ensuring that the comments table is not missed during a fresh installation. No other changes have been made. If your site is already running 2.1.2, there's no need to update. This update is only necessary for fresh installations.

📜 Changelog​

  • User group permissions related to moderators have been separated.
  • To facilitate genre translation, we've relocated chosen.jsand included the following new phrases:
    • xcu_pap_you_may_select_multiple_genres
    • xcu_pap_select_a_genre
    • xcu_pap_no_results_match
      There are some other new phrases and changes to existing ones.
  • Styling improvements have been made to various templates, including the Add and Edit audio track templates.
  • Added further explanations to the admin options.

Profile Audio Player v2.1.1 Is Here! 🎉

We're pleased to announce the Profile Audio Player version 2.1.1, packed with enhancements that make your audio experience even better, including External Audio URL Validation, Clearer display of Supported Extensions, and more!

📜 Changelog​

  • Simplified Audio Track Adding: No longer require "Upload audio" and "Provide a link to audio file" when Adding an audio track.
    • This is especially useful when you only want to exclusively embed content from platforms like Spotify and YouTube in their respective tabs.
  • Enhanced Clarity: A clearer display of "Supported audio files" on Adding and Editing an audio track.
    • Supported audio files are linked to an overlay that provides even more detailed audio file guidelines.
  • External Audio URL Validation:
    • Added validation for external audio URLs to ensure they have supported audio extensions and a correct URL format.
    • Users will now receive an error message if the URL format is incorrect, improving the user experience and data integrity.
    • Users will now receive an error message if the extension is not supported, improving the user experience and data integrity.
  • Enhanced Data Management:
    • Implemented a system to automatically update user-related content within multiple tables when user content changes occur, such as username changes or deletions. This ensures data consistency and accuracy.
  • User Deletion Enhancements:
    • Improved user data deletion process by registering specific cleanup queries that remove user-related content from various tables when a user account is deleted. This ensures a cleaner and more efficient user data management system.
  • User Merge Enhancements:
    • Improved user merging process by allowing the update of audio tracks and comments count. When users are merged, their audio tracks and comments are accurately combined into the target user's account, ensuring a seamless transition.
  • Member Statistic Formatting:
    • Enhanced member statistic result formatting for profile audio-related metrics. Now, values for "Profile Audio Count" and "Profile Audio Comment Count" are properly formatted for improved readability.
  • Mini Player Icons: We've included a couple of missing icons for when the mini player auto-plays. 🕒⏳

Profile Audio Player v2.0.4 Has Released! 📢

During maintenance on a client's website while working in dark style, some necessary styling corrections were discovered. As a result, we've just rolled out an important update to enhance your experience, especially on dark-themed styles. Be sure to upgrade to take advantage of these improvements.

📜 Changelog​

🎵 Minimelody Player Styling Enhancements​

  • The Minimelody player on Audio View has received styling improvements.
  • It now utilizes standard XenForo Color palettes to enhance its appearance on dark styles.
  • Display on mobile devices has been significantly enhanced for a better user experience.

Profile Audio Player v2.0.2 Has Released 📢

We are delighted to announce the latest feature-packed update for Profile Audio Player! This v2 update continue to enhancing your audio experience and providing exciting new ways to discover and interact with audio content. Here is what's new:

📜 Changelog​

🎧 Introducing Listen Tracking​

  • User interactions with audio are now tracked and stored in a dedicated table.
  • This sets the stage for an exciting new feature in the upcoming update that relies on this tracking.

✅ Mark Audios as Listened​

  • You can mark all profile audios as listened with ease.
Following our major release yesterday, we're thrilled to bring you another quick update packed with further improvements and bug fixes. Here's what's new:
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