Siropu - Donations

Siropu - Donations 1.4.0

No permission to download
Added the option to remove donors from donor user group(s) after 1, 3, 6, 12 months or never.
Added the option to send email reminders every x months.
I have added a new ACP section for this where you can see when, who and how many times a donor has received reminders.
Phrases used for the email: siropu_donations_email_reminder_subject and siropu_donations_email_reminder_body
Added a new user group permission that allows you to hide the donated amount. It is unset by default.
Added two new admin options for more control:
1. Allow anonymous donations
2. Allow donation message
Bugs Fixed
  • Error when trying to donate without subscribing.
  • When only yearly option is enabled, it wont get selected by default when "I would you like to donate automatically…" is checked.
  • Fixed an issue with validating cryptocurrency donations.
Fixed an issue with validating cryptocurrency donations.
Added the option to receive donations in cryptocurrencies.
Added the option to post donation notifications as individual threads in a specified forum or posts in a specified thread.
Added goal option to display only avatars for widget latest donations and top donors.